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Tranchées de Chattancourt

We all know the stories of the trenches, where European soldiers lived during the First World War. Touring these famous trenches is an unforgettable experience, as we discover with amazement the living conditions of these unfortunate people who, hidden in these holes, endured cold, fear and mud for four years.

A return to the places of war

Tranchées de Bois Brûlé

Bois Brulé Trenches and Cross of Redoubts

Exposition de grenades dans les Tranchées de Chattancourt.

Chattancourt Trench

Vue sur les tranchées au Fort de Lafalouse.

The Falouse Artillery Works and Trench

Butte de Vauquois

Vauquois Butte

Écriteau "à la mémoire des soldats français".

Bayonet Trench

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